How to Write the Candy Emoji

Candy Emoji

As Halloween nears, searches for how to type the 🍬emoji go through the roof. In the US this would be called "candy emoji", while in the UK it's "lolly emoji".

To include 🍬in your message, either just copy & paste from this article, or follow the more advanced instructions below.

Mac OS X

On a Mac, you can press ⌘ + Control + Space bar to bring up the emoji selector. Bet you didn't know that existed.

Mac OS X emoji selector

From there you can enter "candy" as search to bring it up.

Finding the candy emoji on Mac OS X


In Windows, look for the touch keyboard icon in the lower right of your screen. Click on that to bring up a keyboard selector and select the emoji mode, scroll until you find 🍬. This works at least in Windows 8 and 10.