Nov 14th | Matcha by any other name
Awa Deru
DIY kit where melon jelly gets covered with soda-flavored foam that travels through a straw.
Manufacturer's own description: "Curious and delicious DIY candy that’s like a science experiment with self-forming foam. First mix powder and water to make melon soda-flavored jelly. Then make your own Awa-deru machine to top the jelly with soda-flavored foam. Put the foam and jelly together, and enjoy a pretend melon ice cream soda! "
You can see how to make it on YouTube here.
Matcha KitKat
Matcha is basically only the best parts of specially grown Japanese green tea. You can think of it as the fancier, purer version of green tea. He who controls the Matcha controls the universe.
It was hard to take this photo while trying to resist eating these. The matcha flavor is powerful, and the crispiness of the chocolate is just perfect.
Edible Fragrance
Rose and fruit flavored candy which evokes the scent of a rose when opening the package. Uses rose petal powder, rose-derived polyphenols, and has raspberry flavored embedded candy chips.
Life in Japan
We've been trying to find a new place to live here in Tokushima, such that our son could easily commute to school when he gets old enough to go. There was nothing to rent near the schools we were interested in, so we ended up building new.
It's been interesting to go through the process, as I know very little about houses in general, and there's the added complication of everything being in Japanese! Just last weekend I sat through two hours of getting legalese read to me in Japanese. All I can really do is just try to judge the trustworthiness of the salesperson.
Besides that, I started really getting into Roblox with my 4-year old son. It's fun to play together with two devices and explore places together.