Oct 14th | Rock-Paper-Butt-Tsumami-Diamond
Butt Pudding
All kinds of butt products have been gaining in popularity in Japan recently, thanks to butt detective "oshiri tantei", a childrens' book series about a walking, talking butt that solves mysteries.
Now because of this series we have butt puzzles, butt pajamas, butt card games, butt pillows and so much more.
The product included in the box is a butt detective pudding making kit. Here are video instructions for making it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFXbL3EVxec
Rock-paper-scissors candy
If Titanic were originally a Japanese movie, it would end with Rose and Jack settling the ownership of the floating slab of flotsam with a game of rock-paper-scissors. It's how anything random that needs to be settled gets decided here.
Now you can play a game of it against this candy. Well, you can play multiple games if you want, but the candy is pretty insistent on its choice of rock/paper/scissors, so it quickly gets quite easy.
Diamond Pacifier
Baby you're so sweet I got you a diamond pacifier made out of candy.
Tsumami Mix
I included this one, since I keep hearing a lot of feedback that there needs to be more balance between sweet and savory things in the boxes. "Tsumami" are the kind of snacks primarily consumed by Japanese men, usually with beer. The name comes from the Japanese word "tsumamu", which means to pick something up, as these are finger foods.
This bag is a popular compilation of various tsumami staple items. Here is a bit about each of the 10 items contained in the bag.
- 1) Umakuchi bean — Soy sauce snack with a sliced seaweed finish.
- 2) Piiage — Rice, soy sauce and peanut crackers.
- 3) Honey snack — Crispy cookies with the delicate sweetness of honey.
- 4) Seasoned anchovies — You'll often encounter these tiny fish with meals in Japan.
- 5) Fried shrimp — Crispy and flavorful shrimp snack.
- 6) Edamame — Crispy immature soybeans in the pod.
- 7) Shrimp rice crackers — You can find these types of "senbei" shrimp snacks in any supermarket in Japan.
- 8) Black bean arare — Crackers made from rice, soy sauce and black beans.
- 9) Norimaki — Spicy soy sauce and seaweed flavor rolled in seaweed.
- 10) Ikaten — Squid snack that is also shaped like a squid. More past boxes