June 28th | Sunday, Monday, Happy Turns
Look, it's a title that only old people understand. Anyways, here are the items from the June 28th box that should be arriving around the world around end of July.
Happy Turns
I just made myself hungry with this picture. Happy Turns are light crispy crackers with a mild salty taste.
Mario Gummies
Need an extra life? You might just find a 1 UP within the contents of your bag of Mario gummies.
That's the best Mario reference I could come up with on short notice. Give me credit for resisting the use of "it's me, Maarioo".
Ore no Milk - azuki flavor
Rough guy milk is back, this time in azuki bean flavor. What is azuki? You might be more familiar with "anko" (note, not "manko" as one unfortunate expat once called it by accident) red bean paste used in many Japanese sweets, crafted from azuki with the Minecraft formula: azuki + sugar = anko.