Feb 28th 2016 | You Say Potato, I Say Sapporo🍬🍬

This month's shipment was a box containing three items. This shipment will likely arrive around the end of March. The contents featured were light chocolates, deep sea gummies and Sapporo potato crisps.

Meiji Biology Deep Sea Gummies

Science! Gummies! Together at last! Oh man, who doesn't like looking at deep sea fish. I mean have you seen angler fish? I thought that thing was a mythical animal until I was like 16. Now I can eat a gummi anglar fish in Japan. Life is weird sometimes. These gummies come in orange (mikan), grape and soda flavors. Included is a collectible card featuring a deep sea creature. Gotta' catch 'em all! Or eat them. Whatever comes first.

Meiji Biology Deep Sea Gummies

Lotte Vessel In The Fog Chocolate

And the award for greatest candy name ever goes to Vessel In The Fog Chocolate. Weird English. Slightly ominous title. This chocolate has got me interested. Originally released in the 1980s, this chocolate is considered old school. It's light and airy milk chocolate, reminding me more like biting into a soft piece of cake, rather than a chocolate bar. The chocolate is so smooth and refined superior quality chocolate!

Lotte Vessel In The Fog Chocolate

Calbee Sapporo Potato Tsubu Tsubu

Real talk. I have seen these awesomely crispy potato snacks with boasting five, six, seven and nine different kinds of vegetables as an ingredient. What's the deal Calbee? The salty chips are delicious none the less, but I like a little consistency in my life! Sapporo is the northern most part of Japan, I've never been but it's famous for its bathing apes, bordering Russia after a war that never technically ended and potatoes. They're supposedly the number one chip in Japan too, if you ask Calbee anyway.

Calbee Sapporo Potato Tsubu Tsubu

I recently took another trip to Odaibah. This time to visit the Miraikan National Science Museum for a video game exhibit sponsored by Sony. They had practically every game from your childhood on display, free to put your sweaty grimey hands on. It was a trip seeing little kids play the original virtual fighter.

I was rocking the guitar hero set up too. In the end my main reason for going was to experience the new virtual headset from Sony, and let me tell you, I'm sold. I truly felt like I was in the game. What a wonderful time to be alive.

Calbee Sapporo Potato Tsubu Tsubu

Trying to make our FB page more fun. I started posting one "Japanese girl posing with a Candy Japan box" picture a week, with my friends Victor-kun and Misaki-chan (pictured below with a cosplayer) kindly helping me with the shots.

Calbee Sapporo Potato Tsubu Tsubu

Besides that I started searching the web for all the best newest articles related to Japanese sweets and posting those on the page. There's also a weekly "Fan of the Week" posted, which promotes a Candy Japan fan who has been active on the page.

More past boxes