Mar 14th 2015 | Whole box item

Strawberry Panda Cookies

This shipment's item took up the whole box. They were individually packaged strawberry panda cookies. There is no preparation needed.

Strawberry Panda Cookies

(You can disregard the complex instructions mentioned on the back, as they are only a recipe suggestion. Basically what it says is that if you have some cookies, as a suggestion you could use these chocolates as a stamp for sticking on those cookies, write a name on it and give it as a present to someone.)

Last time I was visiting a street festival called "Nipponbashi Street Festa" and attempted to livestream to you guys from there. ATTEMPTED.

I learned two things:

  • If you're going to livestream, make sure you have more than 1 hour of battery left.
  • If you're going to livestream, make sure you can actually broadcast. Protip: if you're going to a place where thousands of other people are crowding every square meter, there probably won't be enough bandwidth for it. So the livestream was a failure, but I saw some really cute school uniform cosplays there. I know you are dying to see them, so here they are.

Strawberry Panda Cookies

Strawberry Panda Cookies

Strawberry Panda Cookies

Strawberry Panda Cookies

Oh Grumpy Cat wasn't quite what you were expecting? Sorry, here let's try that again.

Strawberry Panda Cookies

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