Oct 28th 2014 | "Pikachu Used CandyJapan. It's Super Effective!"
This month's shipment was a box containing three items. They should arrive to you between November 23rd - November 30th. The contents were grape gummis, chocolate matcha balls and Pokemon pretzels.
Sakeru Gummi
Talk about a weird texture! Sakeru (さける) means "to split" or "tear," and that is exactly what you're supposed to do with these grape flavored gummis. Although I don't see what harm eating one all at once could do. Perhaps too much flavor? Challenge accepted.
Bemmu's (the guy who runs Candy Japan) comment: I decided to include these because tearing off pieces was somehow really satisfying, in the same way string cheese is.
Matcha Chocolate Balls
Matcha is traditional Japanese green tea. It's served and used but don't be put off if you're not a fan! The matcha frosting inside is very sweet, and the outer chocolate shell has a lot of flavor too. It also provides a nice satisfying crunch!
Bemmu's comment: I know around half of people dislike tea-flavored things and half love it. If you are in the hater group, I'm sorry! Please give them to a friend who is into tea. Pewdiepie-style brofist to the other group. I love these.
Pokemon Pretzels
Pokemon! All your favorites are here too! Pikachu, Firefoxy, Blindblue, uh...Molegrasshat? Alright. I have no idea who there other Pokemon are. I'm officially old. What I do know is that these crispy pretzel snacks are covered in white chocolate and "candy chips." They taste like cake!
Bemmu's comment: sudden cringy flashback to the time I tried to sing the Pokemon theme song in front of people at an anime meetup. In Finnish, no less. No, I'm not geeky. Seriously, stop saying that. pushes back glasses
Not a lot going on in the bunny house, but my train line is decked out in Galaxy Express 999 art! This was the very first anime I ever saw as a kid, and could very well have been my first exposure to Japan. It brings back a lot of nostalgia. It's a great series and you should definitely check out the first two movies if you ever get the chance.
Decided to visit Thailand and Cambodia for Christmas (December 14th - 31st). Might sound exotic, but it's actually cheaper than going back home to Finland. We might prepare the December 28th shipment earlier than usual and our email answering times will probably be slower around that time.
Since this is Candy Japan, I guess we should be sending things from Japan. But what do you think if we sent Thai snacks instead at the end of December, since we will be in Thailand?
Vote results were 45% Thai, 20% Japanese, 35% whichever. Based on 60 votes.
Unless there is an overwhelming demand for Thai snacks, I will assume that you prefer us to send from Japan.